Visceral Manipulation involves gentle manual therapy techniques to assess and improve areas of restriction, helping restore normal movement and function in the body

Visceral Manipulation involves gentle manual therapy techniques to assess and improve areas of restriction, helping restore normal movement and function in the body

Visceral Manipulation is a therapeutic approach which encourages the body to restore movement and reduce restrictions internally, both within and between the internal organs.  The treatment aims to influence the connective tissues and fascial layers, therefore reducing the impact that tension in one part of the body can have on another.

Visceral manipulation breaks the traditional mould of treating the body as a set of individual muscles

Visceral Manipulation, developed by world-renowned French osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral, takes into consideration the tensions caused inside the body by the connective tissues and structures / organs, alongside the muscular tensions that are traditionally treated by massage therapists.

To put it simply rather than just looking at just the container (the muscles and skeleton), visceral manipulation takes into account the contents (fascia, connective tissue, ligaments and organs).  Fundamentally it follows the principle that everything in the body is connected.

Visceral Manipulation is a great addition to Scar Work therapy

Visceral manipulation combines beautifully with Scar Work therapy. For example when working with abdominal scars, we can assess and potentially treat their impact on the digestive, urinary and reproductive organs, therefore treating the body more holistically.

All treatments are available at both locations

Appointments are available at a range of different times, including Saturdays

Visceral Manipulation allows me to treat the body from the inside out.

The techniques are integrated in the treatments, and not only have positive effects on muscular aches and pains, but can help structural and functional aspects of the body including the digestive and respiratory systems.

Why not find out more about my treatments?

Whether you are an office worker, keen runner, pregnant, a new mum or dad, or simply dealing with stress, the principles are the same.